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Catching Raven
Catching Raven
Released 29th October 2013
Chapter One
Episode 9
Running Time 02:19
Previous Cedar Wood Would Love to Lie
Next The Day Ever After

Catching Raven is one of the last webisodes from the Chapter 1 webisode selection.


Dexter Charming, enchanted by Raven Queen, gets distracted by C.A. Cupid. Although he doesn't have the courage to ask Raven out to Briar Beauty's party on Friday, he longs for his brother Daring Charming's skills in order to charm Raven. Cupid convinces him into asking his friends so that he can conjure up the courage to ask her out.

Dexter tries his charm on some of his friends, but fails. Date-less, Dexter sits alone on the balcony of Ever After High and unexpectedly, Raven joins him. She asks him out to the party, since they're friends. Once Raven leaves, Dexter rejoices and accidentally falls off the balcony, but lands safely on the ground. He finds Cupid sitting there and kisses her on the cheek, leaving everyone happy. 


C.A. Cupid: Eh Dex? Dexter? Dexter Charming!!!

Dexter Charming: I-I'm up! I mean, hi, Cupid! 

C.A. Cupid: *giggles* what is up with you?

Madeline Hatter: ...And that is the story...

Raven Queen: *laughs* Maddie, *chuckles*

C.A. Cupid: Oh, Raven.

Raven Queen: *laughs*

Dexter Charming: You know, Briar's having that party on Friday, and I wanna ask Raven to be my date, but I-I'm just afraid I'm gonna mess it up.

C.A. Cupid: There are other girls at this school.

Dexter Charming: You'd ask Raven out for me?

C.A. Cupid: Not what I meant.

Dexter Charming: *sigh* I wish I was more like my brother. If I was the great Daring Charming, girls would just fall for me. Literally.

C.A. Cupid: Why don't you try your "asking-out" skills on your friends?

Dexter Charming: That's a great idea! You're the best!

C.A. Cupid: How 'bout a little thank you kihhh... Huh?

Professor Rumpelstiltskin: There are both conjuration...making things appear ...

Dexter Charming: Hey, Briar?

Professor Rumpelstiltskin: ...from here to here...

Dexter Charming: If I said something like "You wanna go out with me?" ugh...would you?

Briar Beauty: *snores*

Dexter Charming: Aww, man! So, did it hurt?

Madeline Hatter: Did... what hurt?

Dexter Charming: When you fell from heaven, cuz Maddie, you are an angel.

Madeline Hatter: You speak riddlish too? Aha!

Dexter Charming: Aww, man. So, this weekend, you, me... Heh! Eww! Ooh! Aww, man!

Raven Queen: Mind if I sit?

Dexter Charming: R-Raven! Uh... You come up here too?

Raven Queen: Best place in the whole school to watch the sunset. Hey, would you go with me to Briar's party on Friday?

Dexter Charming: What?

Raven Queen: I'd rather just go with a friend. Less pressure that way, know what I mean? *giggles* hexcellent! I'll see you Friday.

Dexter Charming: Yesss! Oh, I'm going to a party with Raven Queeeeeeeeeeeen! *grunts* 

C.A. Cupid: Dex!

Dexter Charming: It totally worked! You're the best!

C.A. Cupid: *giggles* 




Ever After High™ - Catching Raven
